Aishwarya recently confirmed her film, titled Gulab Jamun with Abhishek. The Ae Dil Hai Mushkil actor stated that while the script had come to them nearly a year and a half ago, they hadn't made a decision until recently due to Abhishek's reservations. The Paa actor was more keen on taking a break.
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However, once speculations regarding the film started, Aishwarya urged her other half to come to a conclusion, “AB and I finally agreed to do Gulab Jamun. I told him that it's high time he decided what he wants to do after Manmarziyan.”
Although not working together, the two have been busy in the Indian film industry with their individual projects. While Abhishek ended his hiatus with Anurag Kashyap's, Manmarziyan, Aishwarya has Fanney Khan with Anil Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao coming up.
Speaking further about Gulab Jamun, the The Mohabbatein star said it was a beautiful script, emphasising that Abhishek and her fit the bill perfectly. “The script had to be interesting enough for a real-life couple is coming together.”
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