A police spokesperson said on Thursday that the police arrested accused Nadeem from Chungi No 8 area, Irfan from Chak No 211-GB, Irfan from Shadab Mor, Abdul Waheed from Faizabad, Shehzad Hussain from Muneerabad, Shehbaz from Ashrafabad, Maqbool and his co-worker from Chak No 214-RB, Tahir Raheem from Chak No 275-JB, Irfan from Chak No 66-JB, Shahid and Sarfraz from Millat Chowk. The police have registered separate cases against them. Meanwhile, the police also arrested 24 criminals, including eight proclaimed offenders from the city.
A police official said that the police also seized eight pistols, one carbine, one gun, five kilogrammes of hashish and 159 litres of liquor from their possession. The police have registered cases against the accused.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 18th, 2018.
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