Saviours of the day recount tales of horror

In a feat of unprecedented bravery, two young Ahmedi men overwhelmed and helped capture two armed terrorists.

Abdul Manan May 28, 2010

In a feat of unprecedented bravery, two young Ahmedi men overwhelmed and helped capture two armed terrorists from Baitul Noor in Model Town.

Nabeel, just 25-years-old, told The Express Tribune that he entered the building at 1:30 pm before the Friday sermon had started. He recalled that the number of worshipers started to swell around 1:45 pm just before the first few gunshots were heard.

“Immediately after I heard gunfire, I saw the back of the head of one of the terrorists who was attempting to shoot Anwer, the security guard. I understood that he would try to enter the facility next and rushed to close the gate at the entrance. To buy us some time, I asked everyone inside the building to rush towards the basement. Most of the people who were killed were older men because they were not too quick on their feet,” said Nabeel.

“One terrorist who appeared to be in his mid-twenties entered the main hall and started firing indiscriminately at doors, windows and worshippers.

Then he hurled hand grenades and the resulting explosion injured almost everyone who had not made it to the basement.

We had a clear view of the injured people in the hall from where we were hiding. Immediately after the grenade explosion, the terrorist started shooting the injured people who were crying and screaming for help,” he added.

“I could see that the terrorist was injured and bleeding from the head.

He shot at least a dozen people before he fell to the ground. I used the opportunity to seize the man, still wearing his suicide vest. Two other men helped me remove his jacket and disarm him. I held him in that position for nearly 35 minutes waiting for police officials so I could hand him over to them,” said Nabeel.

“I had placed a foot just over the man’s neck to make sure he could not move. He kept telling me that he was in a lot of pain and wanted me to remove my foot.

I removed some pressure and asked him why he had killed so many innocent people. He replied that it was his mission to eradicate all infidels from Pakistan. I could not converse with him further after hearing him say that,” stated Nabeel.

Bilal, who is 21-years-old helped capture another terrorist. He was standing on the second floor of the building and had a clear view of the front entrance when he saw armed men walk into the facility.

“The terrorist looked like he was only seventeen. He threw the hand grenade that killed our patron Lt General (retd) Chaudhary Naasir Ahmad. Then he barged through the front door and made his way up the stairs to the second floor. I was hiding behind a couch. The young man was constantly firing. I had a clear view of everything that was happening. Luckily the terrorist did not see me,” said Bilal.

“I knew I had a brief window of opportunity to act. When the terrorist had his back to the place where I was hiding behind, I pounced and grabbed him and yelled to other people to help me overpower him.

The young man was talking in Seraiki, constantly pleading with us to give him a glass of water. I removed the suicide jacket from his torso with the help of a few people,” added Bilal.

“I understand a little Seraiki. I could tell that the boy was constantly abusing and cursing us for capturing him. I had to wait for half an hour before police officials arrived and arrested the young terrorist,” he said.

Published in the Express Tribune, May 29th, 2010.


mubahil | 14 years ago | Reply sorry for mistakes but i want to point out that i have wrongly typed " who have move out army to the position till which we have a cahnce to capture whole india and what happen then? IT is who have move out army to the position from which we have a cahnce to capture whole KAshmir and what happen then?
mubahil | 14 years ago | Reply First of all i should admire the bravery of my ahmedi brothers but i will give most of it credit to ahmedi jammat who goes on taking ehds (promises) from us that i will always remain prepare to sacrifies every think for deen-e-islam,ahmediet and my country and giving such a trained individuals to this country who always think how to work for the betterment of others on any cost (even on cost of our lives) no doubt those individuals are the one who are the most honest among us to fulfill their commitment. Secondly i will thanks to my muslim brothers who have shown their hatered dut to ahmedy status of those brave boys, "thanks a lot" as thats what we people expects from you as far as the question of what you people think about us (i.e we are non-muslim) so plz keep going as your thinking have no values for us. I just want to remind something that what ahmedies have done for pakistan. 1). Imam Dard sahib was the one who convince quaid-e-azam to go back to sub continent and work for a seperate muslim country. 2) Immam Jamat-e-Ahmediyya was the first one who forms the Kashmir Committee 3)At the time of 1947 paertition we cast our vote in favour of pakistan 4) Sir zafrullah khan was nominated by Quaid-e-azam in boundary commission as representative of muslim leque,was the one who work for resulution passed from U.N.O giving a right to Kashmiries to decide whether they want to attach to PAkistan or India.Sir Zafrullah have also works a lot for uniting muslim countries and always protect the intrest of muslim countries. 5)We PAkistanis are proud on Chawinda fight(1965) but have we ever dare to tell that this fight is lead by ahmedi commander who despite having the option to comre back refuses to leave the border. 6) who have move out army to the position till which we have a cahnce to capture whole india and what happen then? Their are lots of other heros from ahmediyya jammat like Gen Noori and their are large contribution of jammat to country like Tahir Heart institute, Mehdi HOuspital, Millions of free medical camps every year. Releif work at max on every disaster, Millions of honest work force always order to remain loyal to the country millions other showing the real face of islam if other countries, Billions of prayer for this country and much more but still what we got Kill them. Worse then Infadel. Non-muslims, Remove from key posts, Erasing kalmas from our mosque,Physicall assult, mental torture. but despite this all i would say as part of my ehd "i will always remain prepear for all sort of sacrifies for islam, ahmediet and for this country. and at last as a whole LOVE FOR ALL HATERED FOR NONE
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