Twitter reacts to Imran's hat-trick of marriages

Third time a charm, maybe?

Ali Mangi February 18, 2018
Imran Khan and Bushra Wattoo. PHOTO: PTI

KARACHI: As Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf confirmed the good news, felicitation messages started pouring in, wishing Imran Khan and his new wife a happy married life.

Party leaders and supporters took to Twitter to congratulate the skipper on tying the knot.

Senior leaders Jahangir Tareen and Shireen Mazari prayed for the newly-weds to find happiness.

Shafqat Mehmood wished the couple “all the best”.

Imran Khan ties the knot for a third time

Party leader from Sialkot Usman Dar wished ease in life for Mr and Mrs Khan. Khan's close confidante Awn Chaudhry also wished the couple well.

Scores of journalists, and celebrities also congratulated the pair in their messages through mainstream and social media.

There were also some hilarious reactions:




mazhar | 6 years ago | Reply do as the Romans do.some are necessity political reasons.I suppose no one is an ideal one.Imran khan can be the best leader in Pakistan if people give him one chance at least.
Faizanhaider | 6 years ago | Reply Congrats Sir
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