JKLF chairman Yasin Malik hospitalised in Srinagar

Kashmiri leader has been suffering from urinary tract infections since Tuesday evening

M A Mir February 14, 2018
Kashmiri leader has been suffering from urinary tract infections since Tuesday evening. PHOTO: EXPRESS

MUZAFFARABAD: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik was admitted to a hospital in Srinagar on Wednesday with urinary tract infections.

Mishal Malik, wife of the prominent Kashmiri leader, said while talking to The Express Tribune on the phone that her husband instead of urine has been passing blood since Tuesday evening and from Wednesday morning he has been feeling severe pain in the urinary tract.

Mishal said that Malik was first taken to Khybar Hospital in Srinagar and then to Soura Institute of Medical Sciences Srinagar where senior urologist Salim Wani and cardiologist Nisar checked him. Following the complete medical checkup a blood clot was found in Malik’s urinary tract which needed to be removed on immediate basis.

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“Malik was arrested by Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) authorities on February 6 and immediately shifted to the Central Jail Srinagar. Prior to that his various medical tests had been taken which had alarmingly come wrong,” she said.

The wife of the Kashmirii leader went on to say: “Doctors had doubled his dosage of medicine he is taking for heart ailment and advised him to go for regular checkups after every two days. But the authorities in Srinagar Central Jail refused to accept the doctors’ advice and did not take him for much needed medical checkups which deteriorated his health.”

She further said that her husband was released after 10 days of incarceration from Srinagar Jail.

Mishal urged the people across the Line of Control (LoC) to pray for the early recovery of her husband.


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