According to a private news channel, she had confirmed that she had flown on Sunday evening. Reham told the news outlet that she had been receiving threats through phone calls that were made to her staff.
Reham Khan leaves country after 'receiving threats'
As always, Pakistan's netizens had their own opinions on the matter.
Some resorted to alleging she was a RAW agent
Reham Khan in Indian flag clothes during the interview with Indian channel.
— Mubasher Lucman (@mubasherlucman) February 4, 2018
Although I think trashing your ex and that too unprovoked is kinda odd, but what I find even weirder is talking to an Indian channel about your ex who's a PM aspirant.
— Mehr Tarar (@MehrTarar) February 4, 2018
No idea what Reham Khan hopes to achieve here.
While others voiced concern for the 'toxic environment against her'
Sad and shocked to find out that @RehamKhan1 had to leave the country in an environment of intimidation and harassment. Shame on those responsible for creating toxic environment against her.
— Murtaza Solangi (@murtazasolangi) February 5, 2018
The vicious attack against Reham Khan especially her past which she owns very boldly unlike someone who hasn’t been able to own his daughter.
— berbaad kacchay (@mahobili) February 4, 2018
Sad to learn that @RehamKhan1 had to leave the country because of threats to her life. But I'm glad she's gone before any harm came to her. The attacks on her on social media are disgusting and dangerous.
— Maham Ali (@Mahamali05) February 6, 2018
Many defended the PTI chief
Reham Khan! My leader will not respond to your malicious & frustrated rantings because he respects women. If I were to open my mouth abt your antics & your misdeeds, you will have nowhere to hide.
— Awn Chaudry (@AwnChaudry) February 4, 2018
Some are waiting for her book
However, Reham slammed the haters with a perfect tweet!
Decide ker lein kis kee agent hai...koi country chori nahi inhon ney.
— Reham Khan (@RehamKhan1) February 4, 2018
I should ask for outstanding salaries. Patriotism ka reward tu sirf galiyan. Thank you
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