Grin and bare it with a dental tattoo

Forget about body tattoos, it’s time to sport skulls, dragons and arrows on your teeth.

Ians May 04, 2011


Getting your body inked is passe. GenNext is going for dental tattoos, so don’t be surprised if the girl next door breaks into a toothy grin to show off an angel or a skull, depending on choice of design.

“In the last two-three years, dental tattoos have gained popularity, especially as the youth today are more savvy and adventurous than before,” Heman Verma, orthodontist and implantologist at Dental Styler in Gurgaon said. “College-goers and young professionals these days like to leave a distinct impression among their peer group by making a unique style statement. Dental tattooing offers them an option to do so.”

Although the trend is relatively new in South Asia, it is a common phenomenon for many years in the West.

“Dental tattoos are not new, they started in the West about eight to 10 years ago when hiphop singers and rappers started sporting them in their music videos and then youngsters started aping them. In India, they became popular in the last couple of years,” said Mumbai-based Ranganatha Rao K Jingade, a dental surgeon.

The age group that usually goes in for dental tattoo treatments is 14 to 35 years. Both girls and boys go for the procedure. Girls like to get stars, apples or angels while boys like to get more masculine designs like skulls or geometric patterns.

Animal shapes are also quite popular. Other designs that are usually preferred are of name initials, hearts with arrows, musical symbols, bulls, Mickey Mouse, logos, sign of victory and lips.

Dental tattoos are of two types — temporary and permanent.

“In case of temporary tattoos, designs are in the form of templates that are stuck on the teeth. Various kinds of designs are available. You can also get a custom-made design in a dental laboratory, which your dentist can then stick on your teeth. Permanent tattoos are drilled on the teeth. Once done, you cannot get them removed,” explained Verma.

“While sticking a temporary tattoo takes just 15 to 20 minutes, drilling permanent tattoos can take hours depending on the design,” Shikha Pahwa, a cosmetic dentist at Everbrite Dental Clinic in Chandigarh said.

“There are no side effects, but it depends on a person’s dental hygiene. If a person is lacking hygiene, then tattoos could lead to  cavities but this can happen even without a tattoo.”

Usually the preferred areas for dental tattoos are the upper lateral incisors, upper canine, premolars and molars. Although the procedures are not painful, it does burn a whole in your pocket.

“The dental tattoo procedures that we undertake cost anywhere between INRs10,000 and INRs15,000, depending on the design and detailing,” said Pahwa.

However, if you don’t want an elaborate design, you might get lucky by paying a lesser amount.

“For a basic design, one may be required to shell out INRs800 and the cost increases as the design becomes more intricate and complex. It may reach up to INRs15,000,” said Verma.

In order to be a part of the latest fashion trend, many are willing to loosen their purse strings.

“I saw a dental tattoo for the first time recently when my friend got it done. Everyone gets a tattoo on the body but this is different. That’s why even I’m planning to get one very soon,” said Monisha Rawat, a 19-year-old student.

“The best part is it’s not even painful, unlike body tattoos,” she added. 

Published in The Express Tribune, May 5th, 2011.


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