Aries | March 20 – April 19

Finding time to focus on your own personal plans or, equally, ideas you have in mind is always tricky. But with so much going on at the moment, it’s nearly impossible. Still, these need attention, and now. Forget about everything else, even if it’s for only a few hours. That should do the trick.
Taurus | April 20 – May 20

In the past you’ve often longed for somebody to recognise you were struggling with certain situations, and offer to help. However, just recently that occurred, and you soon regretted saying yes. While, clearly, their intentions were good, they had no idea what you needed, so actually made things worse.
Gemini | May 21 – June 20

Being inquisitive by nature, you’re always interested in what others are doing, exploring or learning about. At the moment, in fact, you seem to be on a lucky streak, in the sense you’re encountering people or situations that offer exactly what you need, at least now. Enjoy this amazing, if rare, phenomenon.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21

For ages you’ve tried to adopt an easygoing attitude about situations that have always been somewhat worrying. While you’ve raised your concerns, nobody took them seriously. Now that the issues in question are taking centre stage, mention them again. The odds are good others will be ready to discuss them.
Leo | July 22 – August 22

Although the recent Full Moon will have brought certain complex issues to a head, dealing with them was no problem. However, the eclipsed Leo Full Moon, on 31 January, is another matter. It promises both changes in circumstances and, even more, a dramatic turnaround in certain situations that have been a persistent problem.
Virgo | August 23 – September 22

Life is a lot easier when you know what’s required of you, both by others and in more personal situations. But with so much drama going on in the heavens, what’s needed changes frequently, if not every day. Temporarily abandon any but the simplest of plans and deal with issues as they arise.
Libra | September 23 – October 22

One of your greatest strengths, as a Libra, is your willingness to invest serious time in exploring your options before you make a plan. But with things moving swiftly and, indeed, your ruler Venus shifting rapidly through Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, life’s about what you experience, each day, not what you commit to.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

This is one of those complex periods during which even your best efforts regarding tricky situations, and your ideas about what might work, just won’t be enough. Which means trusting others to share the making of decisions. Not only is that wise, you’ll be amazed what you come up with together.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

Planning ahead may be a virtue. But for you, as a spontaneous fire sign, it seems pointless, mostly because you always find something else to do. However, the fact is, certain matters really should wait until Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 26th. What you learn between now and then will change everything.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

There’ve been several times in the past when you’ve avoided mentioning certain issues, mostly because your own thoughts were unclear, so felt you had little to offer. This has been misinterpreted as you keeping crucial facts to yourself. Discuss this with those concerned, now and as frankly as you can.
Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

It’s worth remembering there’s a difference between those arrangements that are made in a rush, which you intend to review at some point in the future, and the kind that need to be dealt with immediately. And, even more, in detail. Once you’re delving into the facts, you’ll realise why these are so important.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19

If ever there was a time to be diplomatic, it’s now. Certain individuals pride themselves on being straightforward. While that approach to life and relationships has its virtues, it can also cause upset, and as you’re well aware, that’s been the case. Forget about discussions. Simply keep individuals in question apart.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 4th, 2018.
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