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  • Election and environment

    Shockingly, this equated to the felling of approximately 49,600 trees

  • Online child abuse content

    Governments should strengthen legal frameworks

  • EU’s climate conflict

    The repercussions of the EU’s climate decisions extend far beyond its borders

  • Dented democracy

    Pakistan’s recent polls have concluded amidst a flurry of disruptions

  • Of duels and deals

    Reports say high-profile contacts have been established with MQM and other parties by the PML-N

  • Climate-affected farmers

    Access to affordable crop insurance schemes can safeguard farmers against crop failures

  • Tapping cricket talent

    Pakistan was expected to perform well before the tournament started

  • PDM 2.0?

    Post-ballot trajectory is one of chaos and confusion, marred by serious allegations of irregularities

  • Hindutva in secular guise

    Uniform Civil Code has significant privacy implications

  • Debt repayment

    Pakistan is obligated to repay $77 billion over the next three years