The police said that accused Babar and his accomplices opened fire on Khadim Hussain, a resident of Chak No 165-GB, over an old property dispute. As a result, he was killed on the spot. The police took the body into custody and started investigation.
Man who killed two over property dispute executed
Meanwhile, the police claimed to have arrested 399 outlaws from the district during the last two weeks of October 2017.
A police spokesperson Amir Waheed said that the arrested criminals included 185 proclaimed offenders, 85 illegal weapon holders, 76 drug peddlers, 42 target offenders and 11 court absconders.
20-year-old shot dead over property dispute
The police also seized 70 pistols, five guns, five rifles, two Kalashnikovs, two carbines, a knife, rounds, 32.605 kilogrammes of hashish and 808 litres of liquor from them.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 16th, 2017.
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