Speaking to the media on Friday, Minister of State for CADD Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry said these facilities to be provided under the Prime Minister Education Reforms Programme would ensure increase enrollment in the public schools of Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).
He said the ICT students from Montessori to class five would also be provided free lunch boxes under the nutrition programme of CADD.
He said that a summary in this regard has been sent to the authorities concerned for approval and it will be implemented as soon as possible.
The minister said that CADD has decided to provide the free facilities to around 200,000 students of the 422 ICT schools working under Federal Directorate of Education (FDE).
He told that every student from Montessori to class five would be provided with a packet of biscuit, juice and milk during school hours under the nutrition programme of CADD. A strict inspection system, Tariq Fazal said, would be devised for ensuring the quality of food for normal and healthy growth of children. The facilities to students would be given before the start of the new session every year, he added.
He said the project of upgrading schools of Islamabad and provision of facilities to students became possible due to the personal interest of Maryam Nawaz. The minister said Maryam wanted to provide nutrition facility to the students especially those belonging to rural areas.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 9th, 2017.
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