Horoscope: 4 June, 2017

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel June 04, 2017
Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

Be wary of getting drawn into discussions about already sensitive issues. It might seem others are seeking your advice. However, they could well be trying to pick a fight, and you could innocently be drawn into their trap and end up arguing. For now, when situations of this nature arise, be cautious.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Disruptive as last minute changes in plans can be, those you’re dealing with now aren’t just worthwhile, they could bring surprising benefits. The trick is to explore absolutely everything that’s coming your way, mostly because what’s least expected could prove best in the long run. Decisions can, and should, wait.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

Now that the planet of action and courage, Mars, is accenting the financial side of your life, the time has come to do your sums, then deal with certain trouble spots. For ages you’ve known these needed attention but always had other things to take care of. Now these are your priority.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

This is one of those peculiar periods during which even seemingly straightforward or carefully organised plans fall apart, and must be rethought, often within hours. Despite the obvious inconvenience, each new version introduces exciting improvements. Challenging as these changes may be in the short term, ultimately, they’re in your best interests.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Although you rarely think of it, between your zest for life and the effort you put into plans, things usually go the way you have in mind. However, certain things aren’t proceeding as you intended. Tempting as it is to battle to keep them afloat, let them go. They’ll be more trouble than they’re worth.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

As a Virgo and an earth sign, you do your best to gather the facts, then make plans that will last. But with both your ruler Mercury and Venus moving into new signs in a few days, on the 6th, even the most straightforward of arrangements are likely to change, and suddenly.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

Initially you were worried about recent frank discussions, and especially that they’d either ruffled the feathers of certain over-sensitive individuals or, alternatively, led to lengthy debates about how changes should proceed. To your surprise, and relief, it’s been the reverse. Now that everybody’s aired their concerns, they’ve reached a swift accord.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

Ordinarily, when you commit to anything or anybody, from an evening out to a life-changing arrangement, you regard it as final. But judging by the current unsettled planetary setup, you’re better off regarding any and all arrangements as tentative, if not a very real experiment, one that could shift overnight.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

Just when you were about to agree to an arrangement that, admittedly, would be a compromise, last minute events are rescuing you. Instead of battling to keep these going, say farewell and turn your attention firmly toward new, and probably unexpected, events on the horizon. These are far better options.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

While it may take time for you to commit to an idea or plan, once you do, you’ll usually commit wholeheartedly. So much so, in fact, you’ll try to convince others to join in. Although there are times this works, at the moment it would not only be unwise, others would misunderstand your intentions.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

The ideas currently being discussed intrigue you, but not so much you’re ready to commit. Judging by the coming days’ planetary activity, it’s a matter of now or never. And the fact is, if you allow these opportunities to pass you by, you’ll soon regret it. Plunge in. You’ll soon be glad you did.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Standing up for yourself, those you care about or what you believe in is one thing. That comes naturally. But confronting somebody who is intimidating is another matter. Yet that’s exactly what will be required of you. Worrying as this seems, once you do, you’ll realise you really had no choice.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 4th, 2017.


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