Aries | March 20 – April 18

For you, as an Aries and a fire sign, being forced to undertake a project with somebody who’s obsessed about details and, worse, who thinks and speaks slowly is a nightmare. Yet that’s exactly what you’re facing. The secret is to back off, and although it’s out of character, leave everything to them.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19

There’s no way of sidestepping issues that involve a tricky combination of the ego of certain individuals and money. This is always challenging, but now issues are turning into serious problems. Address this right away, and be both frank and speak with an open heart. You’ll be amazed how receptive others are.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20

On April 21st the dynamic Mars moved into Gemini for a six-week stay, until 4 June. This triggered a review of what you’re happy with and, even more important, what you’re not. While you’ve dealt with several crucial issues, one or two are challenging. Tackle them now, before Mars moves on.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Being a water sign, and especially conscious that certain words can worry if not upset others, you’re careful about what you say. But not everybody is as aware of this, and in fact, you’re concerned about the impact of the things some individuals are saying. Relax. It’s unlikely this will cause a problem.
Leo | July 22 – August 21

By no means are you a control freak. Still, it took a while to recognise that certain individuals not only won’t take advice, they’ll learn from nothing but their mistakes. Which is exactly why you must back off. Once they’ve recognised their errors, you can talk things over and, together, discuss solutions.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Initially, you invested both time and money in certain alliances or ventures as part of a rather exciting project. Recently, however, it’s become clear that while that cost has increased, what you’re getting in return has diminished. Enough it’s time you gave your commitment to this some serious thought.
Libra | September 22 – October 22

Having sidestepped decisions regarding potential changes in your domestic or working life for a very long time, you’re rather hoping they can be put off again. You can, but only for a week or so. Once fiery Mars moves to accent these, on 4 June, you’ll need to think in terms of lasting arrangements.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

Opportunities are in the air but there’s so little information about the practical side of things, you’re wary. Actually, these are only just taking form. Be patient and you can not only get involved in the form these take, but you’ll be able to influence their direction as well.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

You’re trying to avoid cornering others into restrictive agreements or making the variety of demands that you’d find irritating. However, one particular individual tends to put things off, and offers all sorts of excuses. Consequently, you’ve no choice but to make it clear exactly what you expect of them, and when.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Usually you’ve no problem making it clear what you need, intend to do and, equally, how others can help. Yet recent situations have been so complex, you’ve had little idea what you’d require. Discuss this. You’ll be surprised how well informed others are, and how helpful they can be.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

Being an inquisitive Aquarius, when an idea is intriguing but unrealistic, you won’t forget it. Instead you’ll put it on a list of possibilities, that is, things you might get around to one day. The time has come to edit this, since many of those possibilities are no longer appealing or, in fact, realistic.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19

As a Piscean, loyalty is about standing by those you believe in, through thick and thin. And it’s about trust. However much it seems one particular individual merits your support, you’re urged to examine their actions and the fact they’re unwilling to take responsibility for the upset or even damage they’ve caused others.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 28th, 2017.
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