Taliban create cell to hunt ‘spies’ assisting US drones

Lashkar-e-Khorasan will identify and execute those suspected of working for the CIA.

Zia Khan March 28, 2011
Taliban create cell to hunt ‘spies’ assisting US drones


Elements within the Taliban, based in North Waziristan, have established a separate vigilance cell to hunt down people suspected of providing vital intelligence to guide the United States in its drone campaign.

Known as Lashkar-e-Khorasan (LeKh), the group’s only purpose is to identify, capture and execute people allegedly working for what is described as a web of local spies created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The Lashkar draws it strength from both the Haqqani network and the Hafiz Gul Bahadur group — two militias that control the regions along the Afghan border, which the US describes as the most dangerous place on Earth.

The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) led by Hakimullah Mehsud also has its sympathies and what is described as occasional “active cooperation” with the Lashkar.

Though the exact number of members in LeKh is unknown, one source in the tribal areas said it was more than 300.

The regions where the cell works are Datta Khel, Miramshah and Mir Ali town of North Waziristan, as well as surrounding areas where US drone strikes have been frequent.

The vigilance cell was set up for the first time last year by top commanders of the groups, both having a tacit peace understanding with the Pakistan military operating in nearby South Waziristan. The military operation in South Waziristan aims to root out homegrown Taliban striking inside the country.

“In the beginning, it was a loose network with members casually going out and trying to find out who is providing information to the US,” an associate of one of the groups explained to The Express Tribune. “It is more organised now and they are working scientifically on the counter-intelligence line.”

An intelligence official at Pakistan Army headquarters in Rawalpindi and several local sources from Mir Ali and Miramshah also confirmed the existence and activities of the Lashkar, but appeared unaware of its structure.

In 2010, the US stepped up its drone campaign in the mountainous border regions to eliminate what officials in Washington called high-value targets including top leadership of al Qaeda and their local facilitators.

The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operated by the US military stationed in Afghanistan to eradicate Taliban militants struck inside Pakistani border areas more than 100 times in 2010 alone, killing some al Qaeda fugitives, but mostly targeting civilians.

Though American officials do not comment on the drone campaign publicly, it is commonly known that the predator hits a mechanical chip on the ground that spies allegedly place at Taliban hideouts.

“The LeKh is working to find out who exactly does that and how Americans are able to find out where the  mujahideen (militants) are holding a meeting or which vehicle they are travelling on,” the affiliate of Bahadur group added.

Once a suspect is caught “spying” he is taken to a Taliban court or Darul Qaza where judges or Qazis ask him to explain his position. If proved guilty, the person is executed immediately.

Two months ago, the LeKh was behind the beheading of almost half a dozen motor mechanics in Mir Ali after US officials changed their policy of hitting compounds and instead started targeting moving target or vehicles with Taliban leaders on board.

The mechanics, mostly from nearby Bannu district, became a prey of LeKh’s outrage after they were blamed for placing chips in a Taliban Hilux car to make them a target for US drone strikes.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 28th, 2011.


Cautious | 13 years ago | Reply Pathetic - classic Pakistani xenophobia at it's worst. A group of terrorist effectively take control of a portion of Pakistan and use it as a base to attack Afghanistan and your supposed allies and you do nothing. Now those same terrorist are executing Pakistani citizens who they think are providing information to the ISI or CIA - and some of you congratulate them. I suppose it never dawned on you xenophobes that the solution to this issue is simple - take control and responsibility for all of Pakistan - don't attack your neighbors and quit using terrorism. In short - joint the 21st century.
nazeer | 13 years ago | Reply The pakistani govet ,army and people ar sowing the seeds of their bad deeds the they are doing in balouchistan,sind and particularly in sinds capital sind.Exploiting the real resourses of Sind and balouchistan revenue for the enhancement of their military and defence forces power and giving big chunck of unlawful n unjust share of boths provinces share to punjabi dominated province.Untill n unless so called establistment of pakistan dnt learn lesson from history n current political upheavels and uprisings going on in muslim world till then they will be suffering and account for their misdeeds at hands of Taliban,MQM and other their hand made agents.
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