Karan Johar to cast Shah Rukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor in his next directorial?
Of course, considering his place in the Indian film industry, Yash and Roohi have already shared a lot of limelight with many A-list celebrities visiting them every now and then. They have possibly been showered with the most expensive gifts but none of them even come close to what poet Javed Akhtar gifted Yash and Roohi: a poem for each one of them.
According to the Times of India, Javed wanted to give the twins something they will cherish their entire lives and what could be better than something written from the depths of his heart?
An elated Karan took to Twitter on Tuesday to share photographs of Javed's masterpiece. "Thank you, Javed Saab. This will always remain truly special to us. We love you lots, Yash, Roohi and me," he tweeted.
We can't help but feel stirred inside, reading Javed's profound words. What do you think?
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