Shakti Kapoor, who has worked with Kader in numerous movies, spoke exclusively to Spotboye, discussing Khan's worsening health. "Yes, Kader Khan is now on a wheelchair. It's so so sad to be talking about this and I am trying to reach him since the past few days, but I am not able to get his number. I hope to have it in the next 2-3 days." said the Andaaz Apna Apna actor.
People refused to work with me when I fell ill: Kader Khan
Shakti went on to say, "Kader's elder son resides in Canada. So, he has gone there to avail medical facilities which can cure him. I think his wife is accompanying him."
When asked about what happened to the Hero No 1 actor, Shakti replied, "Kader had a knee problem. He got operated but the operation went wrong."
This only worsened the 80-year-old Kader Khan's condition and agony.
The Mujhse Shaadi Karogi actor, who was present at the trailer launch of his film Hogaya Dimaagh Ka Dahi in August 2015, was clearly having difficulty in talking and walking, reports Spotboye.
Kader Khan returns to film after a long hiatus: Amitabh Bachchan
Kader is also known as a celebrated writer and for his exceptional work with eminent directors of the Indian cinema. “There has been a difference in the level of writing. As a writer, I feel that I should come back. I’ll try my best to bring the earlier zubaan back and people are definitely going to enjoy talking in that zubaan," he had then told a section of the media. Clearly, he was not happy with today's film scripts.
We hope a speedy recovery for him!
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