Education ad hoc

The incumbent provincial government cut down the education budget from 20 per cent to 17 per cent

Letter February 05, 2017

LORALAI: This is about the latest vacuum produced in the Education Department of Balochistan. The already struggling education department is directly hit by the dearth of proficient education officers. Data available unequivocally demonstrated that 38 key slots in the beleaguered province are running through an ad hoc system. Surprisingly, the slots of secretary of secondary education, director of education, schools, and director, board of curriculum fell vacant. To fill these vacancies, junior officers are given “look after charge” to cover up the space.

Apart from this, District Education Officer positions in 19 out of 32 districts have been vacant for a month. There are no appropriate measures seen to fill up these slots. The lukewarm attitude of the provincial government can be gauged from the fact that no provincial minster paid heed to this issue. The incumbent provincial government cut down the education budget from 20 per cent to 17 per cent. The education system in the province is mired in problems and the provincial government has backtracked on its earlier promises. The pressing need of the hour is that the chief minister and authorities concerned look into this serious issue.

Mohammad Ishaq Nasar

Published in The Express Tribune, February 6th, 2017.

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