Available on Daraz.pk at a special price of Rs19,999, QMobile Noir Z12 Pro is a sleek phone with a powerful 13 MP rear camera, an incredible screen size, great RAM/ROM in an unbelievably affordable price range, all bundled into one, making Noir Z12 Pro the most wanted smartphone of the year. In addition to a fingerprint sensor and DTS Surround sound, the 8MP front camera with a screen flashing mechanism is definitely the cherry on top for all selfie lovers out there!
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Qmobile Noir Z12 Pro- Price and Specifications
CPU: Octa-core 1.8 Ghz Cortex-A53
GPU: Mali T860MP2
Chipset: Mediatek Helio P10
OS: Android 6.0 Marshmallow with AMIGO OS
Supported Networks: 2G, 3G, 4G LTE Dual Sim
Design: 2.5D Screen, Fingerprint sensor, DTS Surround Sound
Display: 5.5” with Full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution and Gorilla Glass protection
Memory: RAM: 3 GB / Internal: 32 GB
Card slot: yes, up to 128 GB
Camera: Primary: 13 MP f/2.0 with 5P lens, HDR, Secondary: 8 MP, High CRI flash
Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11, WiFi Direct, hotspot, Bluetooth V4.0, GPS – AGPS, USB OTG
Battery: 3,150 mAh
Price: Rs 20,999
Exclusive Price on Daraz.pk: Rs. 19,999
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