Horoscope: October 23, 2016

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel October 23, 2016
Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

While ordinarily you’d battle to keep certain arrangements going, deep down you fear these won’t work out. Those feelings are correct. Knowing that, resist the temptation to rethink them on your own. If you can’t let them go, ask those you trust for their opinions, then make your decision.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

For some reason you’ve decided to blame others for problems that, deep down, you know were really nobody’s fault. The real issue could well be an unresolved misunderstanding, one which continues to upset you. While this could be a way of making a point, you’d be paying a high price.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

Because you’re inquisitive by nature, you rarely take a firm stance on either what’s been said or the facts of various situations. Yet recently you did exactly that, and the intensity of your statements has caused confusion, especially with those whose views differ. Talk this over, immediately and in detail.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21

Although the rather tricky cycle you’ve faced over the past few weeks is over, it would be unwise to expect complications to vanish overnight. While some will seem to resolve themselves, others will take time and, in a few cases, considerable patience. Still, within a week or so, they’ll all be history.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

For ages you’ve been trying to deal with certain tricky matters involving family, but made frustratingly little progress. Now that both your ruler the Sun and Mercury are accenting these issues, not only are you likely to see action, things will begin to happen far more swiftly than you’d imagined possible.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

It’s not that you mind rethinking plans. In fact, you’re easygoing about changes of this nature, as long as they don’t reflect badly on the decisions you’ve made. Which you seem to feel is the case now. While it’s true, there’ve been difficulties, by no means are they your fault.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

True, certain already demanding individuals will be upset by sudden changes. But that doesn’t mean you need to find a way around making those changes. On the contrary, if anything, you owe it to them, and to yourself, to address their lack of willingness to go with the flow.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

Because you think plans through carefully, you tend to assume that once they’re organised, they’ll last. While ordinarily that’s the case, with the foundation on which these were based shifting, you really have no choice but to review them, one by one, and consider whether what originally worked still does.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20

The last thing you want is to tighten your belt, that is, cut back on your spending. Yet it seems you’ve no choice. Actually, you need to consider what you invest in, and not only in terms of money, but your time, ideas and even your affections, then reconsider your priorities.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

One of the most embarrassing things to do, at least from your perspective, as a Capricorn, is to go back on a decision or commitment. While you’re right to have pride in keeping your word, in this particular case, the circumstances in question have changed and so, too, must your plans.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18

As an air sign you enjoy a lively exchange of ideas but when things become aggressive, you’ll usually opt out. However, you’ve been wrestling with one particular individual’s reluctance to even consider certain new suggestions or offers. It may not be until discussions become heated they’ll realise what they’re missing.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19

Listing to those who’re struggling and doing nothing is nearly impossible for you, as a Pisces. Yet previously you’ve rushed to the side of certain individuals only to discover they were moaning about minor problems. It’s the same now. Listen to their complaints, express your sympathy, then move on to other matters.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 23rd, 2016.


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