Similar in premise to both The Departed and the 2002 Hong Kong film Internal Affairs, the series centres on a young cop who goes undercover to infiltrate a ruthless Latino gang, which simultaneously plants its own man in the police department. Set in present-day Chicago, amidst the shifting tides of warring ethnic drug gangs, the gritty, suspense drama follows the two embattled moles as they attempt to fulfil their missions and stay alive.
Jason Richman is penning the adaptation and will executive produce the project along with Roy Lee, Michael Connolly and a few others. Lee first revealed that a possible TV adaptation of the film was in the works back in February. At Amazon, the new project comes as the streamer continues to pick up on original series. It just unveiled three pilots, including a reboot of The Tick, for viewers to vote on. In October, Amazon will launch the legal drama Goliath starring Billy Bob Thornton, which was the first Amazon original to earn a straight-to-series order.
The Departed, directed by Martin Scorsese, took in more than $132million in the US and $289million worldwide. The film — originally starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson and Mark Wahlberg in lead roles — was also nominated for six Oscars, out of which it took home the Best Director trophy.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 25th, 2016.
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