Referring to Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s directorial Bajirao Mastani, Deepika said at the IIFA Awards green carpet, “I think the film looked amazing and you as an audience can see that in every second of the movie. With the amount of passion these actors performed, it looked amazing. I feel, awards justify all the passion that we put into films.”
Asked whether she is teaming up with Sanjay again, Deepika added, “Why don’t you ask him? He should have used the IIFA stage to announce it.”
While she received the Best Female Actor award for Piku, her rumoured beau Ranveer Singh bagged the Best Male Actor trophy for his performance in Bajirao Mastani. Sanjay, on the other hand, won the Best Director for the film.
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Apart from Sanjay and Ranveer’s accolades, the film also bagged awards for Best Cinematography (Sudeep Chatterjee), Best Production Design (Saloni Dhatrak, Sriram Iyengar, Sujeet Sawant), Best Choreography (Remo D’souza), Best Action (Shyam Kaushal) and Best Sound Design (Bishwadeep Chatterjee and Nihar Ranjal Samal).
Deepika also danced to some of the songs from period film. She added that she was very nervous before the awards night began. “I am nervous and biting my nails,” she had said.
Her performance moved Ranveer so much that he went onto say, “I was very moved by that performance. Leela to Ram, Mastani to Bajirao. Nothing makes me happier than you, Deepika. Nothing makes me happier then receiving this award with you.”
Published in The Express Tribune, June 28th, 2016.
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