Life hacks for a cooler summer

With these life hacks, you can try and cherish summer while it lasts

Alyzeh Rizvi June 26, 2016

Summer is a crazy time to have vacations in, especially if you are living in areas with soaring temperatures. However, with the constant load shedding, one cannot make the most out of the season. But with these life hacks, you can try and cherish it, while it lasts.

Save your shirts from stains

Ice lollies are considered to be a summer must-have. But you cannot just have lollies without leaving your shirt with unwanted stains, making you sometimes avoid this season’s goodness. To make it easier to have it, without getting it all over your clothes, simply place a paper cup used for cupcakes right below it and enjoy!

Say no to sunburn

We all know the beach is another irresistible summer love and with the sun giving us a little extra attention, it is hard to leave the sea without the nasty sunburn. But to ease the burnt skin from a day full of enjoyment at the beach, pour Aloe Vera gel in an ice tray, top it with water and freeze. Once solid, use the cubes to soothe the burns.

DIY speakers

Ever wanted to relax with a bunch of friends with loud music on and realised you had no speakers? Or maybe no electricity to power the amplifiers? Worry no more. Use an empty cardboard roll and two paper glasses to make homemade speakers with these simple steps.

Step 1: Cut a hole in the shape of your phone in the middle of the roll and place your phone in it.

Step 2: Cut holes in either side of the paper glasses, in the shape of the cardboard roll. Fix the roll in the cups, appearing as horns on either side. The sound of the music will echo in the walls of the roll, making it sound as good as actual speakers. Say thanks to science!

Fight the bugs

One thing we cannot avoid at this time of the year is the buzzing of flies and mosquitoes around us. On top of that, mosquito repellents smell bad enough to give us a headache. Make homemade bug repellent that will keep your house smelling nice by dipping cloves in lemons. Once covered in the liquid, place them at different corners of the house.

Coffee in a cube

Have you ever been told it is too hot for coffee? Not anymore! Make easy cold beverage by brewing strong black coffee and pouring it in the ice tray. Freeze it overnight and add the cubes in milk whenever needed. For a better lasting taste, add sugar and a drop of vanilla essence.

Get rid of the zit

If you are someone with skin problems occurring due to rising temperatures, here is an easy way to get rid of the unwanted zits. Peel garlic, cut the cloves in half and dab the over the zit. This will not only reduce the size of it but if dabbed a few times a day, will make your skin completely spot free.


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