Lights out: Swat residents left in the dark

Tehsil member lashes out at officials for doing nothing about outages

Shehzad Khan June 12, 2016
Swat residents protest against power outages. PHOTO: EXPRESS

MINGORA: Local government members in Swat district do not seem to be on the same page as the district administration when it comes to power outages which have pushed locals to the point of taking to
the streets.

Swat tehsil councillor Khalid Mehmood lashed out at the district administration on Sunday during a protest. He said although a demonstration was held in front of the Malakand commissioner’s house against prolonged power outages, no one from the district government discussed the matter  with them.

“It is a matter of embarrassment for both the federal and provincial governments who have done nothing over to counter the severe power outages in the district,” he said.

“Load-shedding has completely paralysed daily routine, while officials of Water and Power Development Authority have turned a blind eye to the people.”

He added the rude and non-cooperative attitude of both governments is forcing the people of Swat to towards civil disobedience.

Losing patience: Locals take to the streets against prolonged power outages in the city

No stone unturned

A member of the Swat district council, Amirzeb Sheheryar, told The Express Tribune that people of the area pay their bills on time and there is also no theft like other parts of the country. “People of Swat are faced with hours of load-shedding, despite [fulfilling their responsibilities].”

Social activist Neelam Ibrar also addressed the protesters. “The federal government has completely sidelined Swat district, which has many scenic valleys and can contribute to the ailing tourism industry of the country,” she said. “The federal government should immediately free Swat from power outages like Murree so that the country’s tourism economy is revived.”

The angry protestors dispersed after blocking the main road leading to Saidu Sharif for three hours.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 13th, 2016.


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