This Ramazan, we are not going to tell you what Ramazan deals are being offered all over the country, instead we will tell you ways in which you can truly embrace the spirit of Ramazan and promote togetherness.
1. Pray together as a family
Ramazan starts at home and one of the best ways to bring a family closer in this holy month is by praying together. A family that prays together, stays together. You don't have to pray together five times a day, but even praying one namaz as a whole family will not only bring you closer to your family but also to Allah.

2. Serve boxes of goodness to the people passing the streets at iftaar time
Go out and give people on the roads a hot cup of tea to help them break fast. Ask your neighbours to tag along and give out some fruit, and ask your neighbour to ask a friend to come along to hand out cold water. Take your younger siblings, children with you and let them hand out biscuits to the people who are rushing home for iftaari. And if you can do it, invite your friends over and prepare a box with one pack of milk, water, biscuits, juices, some fruits and other snacks to distribute to the people on the streets during iftaar time. This will help the people break their fast without any difficulty. Make this a daily practice. Because there are several people, not just the poor, but even the people commuting on the streets, who sometimes can’t make it home at iftaar time.

3. Forgive everyone who has hurt you
But don't just say it to yourself - go and tell them. Tell those people who have hurt you that you forgive them - give them a big hug and let them know that you are over it. Let go of anger and pain at this time of the year. Be the bigger person and forgive. Don’t hold grudges. When we ask Allah to forgive us in our prayers all year round, especially during Ramazan, then we too, should practice the same. Talk to your younger siblings and children about forgiveness - tell them to show write down one act of kindness and one act of forgiveness from the day - and at the end of the day you should all sit together and discuss the day's outcome.

4. Tell your children a Ramazan story at bedtime
Don’t just read them books, make sure they know about your experiences too. Tell them about your first Roza. Or how you felt when you started praying in a mosque for the first time. Make them understand the basic principles of religion in a relatable way. Share your stories with them and let them express their excitement to you.

5. Help your parents prepare sehri and iftaar
Waking up 10 minutes before Fajr and gulping down parathas or coming to the table just to enjoy iftaar treats is not cool. Yes, we know you have been fasting and studying/working all day but don’t forget that your parents have been doing the same. Make sure you help your parents prepare sehri and iftaar. Use this as a chance to improve your relationship with your parents.

6. Invite your family and friends to an iftaar gathering
Ramazan is the month of countless blessings and what’s better than sharing those blessings with your friends and family. Invite your family and friends over for iftaar and go over to their houses when they invite you. Don't throw lavish iftaar parties, arrange small, affordable gatherings. Invite friends and family that you haven’t been in contact with for a while, not just your close circle.

7. Adopt a family
Instead of spending money on all-you-can-eat iftaar buffets, adopt a less fortunate family for the month of Ramazan. The cost is the same. Buy enough ration to last the family the entire month of Ramazan. But don't just stop at Ramazan - tell this family that for one year, you will help them and support them make something of themselves. After the year, let them stand on their own feet. Remember your charity should not cripple, it should empower.

8. Donate graciously
Your little charity can change someone’s life. Money is not the only charity there are others ways too. You can also provide ration to needy people, donate your blood to those who are in need, setup shelter and buy Eid clothes for the needy people.

9. Don't make Ramazan a boring month
Many people think that Ramazan is coming and that means an entire month of boredom. Show them otherwise. Call your friends over for games night, go for taraweehs together, host after-iftar sporting events or drive out to the beach, a lake or a mountain top for sehri or iftaar. Make people understand the essence of Ramazan and remind them of how fun things can be during this month. Explain to the rest of the world why exactly we love Ramazan!

10. Volunteer your time
The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Volunteer your time by visiting sick people, orphanages and old-age homes. Arrange a sehri or iftaar meal with them, take your siblings or children with you. Tell the people you visit funny stories, or play a game with them. In this day and age, it is time that runs out the fastest, and time that is needed the most.

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