The arrest of Faisal Shahzad (III)

Sheraz Khan May 05, 2010
The arrest of Faisal Shahzad (III)

KARACHI: I have just one question for someone like Faisal Shahzad. What in the world were you thinking? How could someone as educated and apparently affluent as him get involved in this kind of thing? This act has caused pain and suffering to not only his loved ones but to each and every Pakistani living abroad.

What is worse is that some Muslims do not even believe all this and say that this is all part of a conspiracy to defame Muslims. According to these conspiracy theorists, those who are committing suicide bombings in Pakistan are agents of foreign powers and not Muslims, and those who hanged headless bodies upside down in Swat were apparently not Taliban. They also say that Dr Aafia Siddiqi is an angel.


Meekal Ahmed | 14 years ago | Reply I don't think he was "affluent". He had defaulted on his mortgage and both husband and wife had either lost their jobs or left them voluntarily. I saw somewhere his income was reported to be $50,000 per year before taxes. You can't survive in the USA on that kind of money with a wife and two children. May be with his "American Dream" having fallen apart he became disillusioned and bitter. He had clearly no intention of coming back to the US when he bought that one-way ticket.
Nadir El Edroos | 14 years ago | Reply whose payroll are you on? Confess!
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