The Bollywood actor presented the monologue at Jairangam - Jaipur Theatre Festival on Wednesday. This time around she claimed that the film industry is as patriarchal as the society itself.
Talking about the gender disparity in Bollywood, Kalki said, "Bollywood is as patriarchal as our society," reports Times of India.
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"I once met a producer who asked me about my age and I said, 30. To this, he replied, 'Don't worry, you still have five years left.' Another producer showed me the exact spot on my face where I needed to get a botox," she added.
She further highlighted the pressures female actors have to face. "There's a lot of pressure on women in Bollywood. Objectification of women is very predominant, but I am happy that gradually things are changing," said Kalki.
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"Piku and Queen, both women-oriented films, brought a fresh change in Bollywood."
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Despite the focus towards women-centric films, the pay disparity still exists. "You only get paid more than a man if you are Priyanka Chopra," said Kalki.
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