Hillary Clinton's jet owned by multimillionaire playboy

Playboy is known to throw wild parties on the jet, posts photos with skimpily clothed women and porn stars

News Desk April 26, 2016
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers remarks during the 2015 Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting award in Washington March 23, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS

US presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is said to be using a private jet belonging to multimillionaire playboy, Dan Bilzerian, who is known to host wild parties with scantily-clad women.

Eminently known as the ‘King of Instagram’, Bilzerian is known to throw wild parties on board the jet and has posted photos with skimpily clothed women and porn stars on social media. However, when not in use, the plane is rented out for reporters of the Clinton presidential campaign.

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It is unclear however, whether reporters who have boarded the plane to follow Clinton across US are aware of the scandalous parties hosted in it.

The plane with serial number N701DB, is said to be registered to Goal Airways LLC, a corporation owned by Bilzerian. Meanwhile, Bilzerian’s Instagram page clearly depicts the lavish and wild lifestyle he leads with pictures of women in skimpy clothing.

The Gulfstreamed GIV  jet with its twin engine is almost 30 years old and was bought by Bilzerian back in 2014 for an estimated cost of $5million--and has since then been used to travel around the US.

Trump, Clinton aim to seal deal in Tuesday primaries

After first being flown in 1987, the plane had a brake fire last year which lead to two halted takeoffs. Bilzerian was on board during the incident and was headed to his residential state of California.

National Transportation Safety Board examined the case and revealed that there had undeniably been a brake fire. Seven people were on the plane during the incident but no injuries were reported.

This article originally appeared on Mail Online


curious2 | 8 years ago | Reply @Brainy Bhaijan:
One of the most elusive rich folks out there. Nobody really knows how he became so rich but apparently he is.
You talking about Hillary or Bilzerian? One is a professional poker player - they tend to be long on flash which might acct for why they have to buy 30 yr old planes which they rent to Hillary.
Matthew Takim | 8 years ago | Reply Bernie Sanders is something Fresh Just and Fair,like , income and equality, as the many Major other nations, this is also American peoples Right, And Bernie is leading and demanding it to be so, long battle ahead of him and the American people. even after he wins the Presidency, we all have to back him up and ask our elected officials to Vote for his programs,It is time to Get involved in our internal Politic as Politic involves everyday of our lives, we all have together have to create a better future for our children, as they are also asking of us they also will support all of us to do so, and this Grandfather, Bernie Sanders is delivering the agenda before he leaves us ,10 or 20 years or so, I hope he will lives a very long time, , all of us and our young has to carry this movement and help implement his Better programs for this country and maybe for others also, (American president is a World President.) to be more advanced and more fair, more just more happy place for everyone to live in, , these guys had the Arena for a long enough and they got Greedy and merciless,and they are rubbing the Americans every 7 or 8 years, $trillions it is time for a positive change YES Bernie 2016 OR BUST.never Vote for Hillary ~!
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