Adult movies in Pakistan (II)

May 04, 2010
Adult movies in Pakistan (II)

LONDON: One is only kidding themselves if they believe that a pornographic industry does not exist in Pakistan. As far as 'defaming' Pakistan is concerned, I think the beating of a helpless women in Faisalabad does more harm than the existence of a pornographic industry. Even without this articles' publication, it is pretty obvious that a thriving sex industry exists in Pakistan.

Sex trade is perhaps the oldest market in human civilisation and perhaps the purest example of a free market. Further, this article does not serve to publicise it. Rather than condemning the actions of the people identified in the article and the author, this is an opportunity to rationally discuss the issues involved — especially the health of people who are involved in the industry.

This offers an opportunity to engage people who work in such films and develop a regulatory framework to insure that women especially are not exploited or are not forced to take part in unprotected sexual activity. I am not proposing anything new or radical, such awareness creation exercises have already taken place among sex workers in Heera Mandi.


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