“The increase in the number of academic years from 14 to 16 for a bachelors degree is really no justification to enhance the upper age-limit for CSS candidates,” a statement issued by the Prime Minister House said.
Dwindling prestige of the CSS
The statement said the government should encourage people to join civil service at a younger age at which they are expected to be comparatively more receptive to the core ethics of civil service and the basic tenets of the public interest.
“The minimum existing stipulated requirement in terms of experience for any officer of BS-21 to be considered for promotion to BS-22 is 24 years. In actual practice it takes even longer, and most officers end up being able to serve in BS-22 for the last year or two of their careers,” the statement upheld.
The statement clarified that by raising the age-limit from 28 to 30 years would only serve to exacerbate the current situation as even more officers would superannuate before, or soon after, their promotions to BS-22.
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“This in turn would mean a further reduction in the pool of seasoned and experienced officers available to the federal and provincial governments for appointment in key positions,” it added.

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