Horoscope: March 10, 2016

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel March 10, 2016

Aries | March 20 – April 18

In a week the Sun moves into your sign, to be joined by the communication planet Mercury, two days later. Knowing that, between now and then, you’re best to do any necessary research and think things through. This ensures you’ll be ready to tackle the crucial matters that arise.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19


Although this week’s eclipsed New Moon was a few days ago, you’re dealing with fallout, mostly in the form of changes you were unaware of. While these will continue to surface for some days yet. Knowing that’s coming, for now, focus on exploring your options. Lasting plans can, and should, wait.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

If ever there was a time to trust your hunches, it’s now. Now only does the alliance between your ruler Mercury and Neptune, planet of vision, indicate your intuition is at its peak, you’ll find you’re able to spot the potential in unexpected developments that might otherwise have passed you by.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21


As you well know, often there’s little point in battling those who’re sure they know everything. However, there are one or two matters in which you really must stand up to the individual in question. If you don’t confront them, seemingly minor issues will turn into major ones, possibly overnight.

Leo | July 22 – August 21


On Sunday the 20th your ruler the Sun moves into your fellow fire sign of Aries and to accent ways you can broaden your horizons. That’s welcome, as you’re longing to escape the past month’s dull routine. However, it’s still a week away, and you’ve several tedious tasks to deal with beforehand.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

The recent eclipse was the first of two during March, each of which is triggering timely, if unsettling changes. Tempting as it is to begin analysing these now, and turning those conclusions into decisions, you’re better off exploring your options, then seeing what the next eclipse, on the 23rd, brings your way.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

During this rather unsettled week, you could worry that certain long cherished plans won’t work out as you hoped. They may not. However, while the changes you’re facing are dramatic, by no means should you worry. They’re breaking up patterns that, while reassuringly familiar, have also been restricting you.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

Don’t mistake the inattentive attitude or restless behaviour of those closest as an indication they’ve lost interest in certain plans you created together. It’s just they’re truly restless, and need to experience the satisfaction of exploring new territory, if only because it will gratify their need for adventure.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20


The trick to living out a month with two eclipses, is to ensure even the simplest of plans is flexible. This means that when the surprises typical of a cycle of this nature arise, you can ride them out or, where they’re opportune, take advantage of new ideas or offers.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19


As a down to earth Capricorn, you’d always rather base plans on hard facts. However, you really can’t ignore the powerful feelings triggered by Mercury’s encounter with the intuitive Neptune. At least explore these. What you learn and the benefits you gain will substantially increase your respect for insights of this nature.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18


Judging by the current emphasis on the use of your resources, that is, your money, time and even your ideas, a review isn’t just wise, it’s pressing. This will be unexpectedly complex. Take it slowly, doing an analysis on one day, then considering your conclusions and thinking through decisions the next.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19


Discussing what you’re doing and planning is one thing. At the moment, however, you’re urged to be wary of saying too much about what you’re actually organising. These ideas might be described as visionary, so much so that others won’t necessarily understand. Avoid mentioning these and you’ll also avoid their tedious advice.


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