Horoscope: March 8, 2016

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel March 08, 2016

Aries | March 20 – April 18

The current eclipsed New Moon is about breaking old patterns. This influences everybody, but offers you a timely opportunity to discuss certain arrangements in which you’ve been helping others. While, initially, you were happy to give them a hand, they’re far more self-sufficient, so probably don’t need as much assistance.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

With so much moving so swiftly, obviously you’re tempted to rein in the pace of events and organise what you can. Try that, and you’ll only need to rethink plans, possibly within a short time. The trick is to set priorities for the day and week, then deal with what you can, when you can.

Gemini | May 20 – June 19

For ages you’ve been wrestling with crucial decisions about your work and lifestyle. Between the Sun, your ruler Mercury and this week’s eclipsed New Moon accenting these, things are bound to start moving, although not necessarily as you anticipated. Show interest but don’t commit, as yet more options are bound to appear.

Cancer | June 20 – July 21

Everybody battles one or two habits that are unwise, if not unhealthy. Having tackled these previously, you’re on the verge of giving up. Don’t. The current planetary setup isn’t just backing up changes of this nature, the minute you commit to taking action, you’ll notice things begin to fall into place.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

As you’ve been forced to recognise recently, your passion about certain arrangements isn’t enough to keep them going. In fact, you’re now having to acknowledge certain of these are devouring your time, and possibly money, and giving little in return. That will make saying farewell to them much easier.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

While, ordinarily, a petty disagreement is best ignored, those you’re facing now may be more than that. Certain of these are, in fact, giving you good reason to question arrangements you regarded as unchanging. Once, that was true. But with the actual circumstances you’re dealing with shifting, so, too, must your perspective.

Libra | September 22 – October 21

The trick to dealing with the complaints of others, and you’ll be facing many, is to do a lot of listening and say little. Then sum up their words, so they know you understand their views, and ask for time to think. The facts that surface over the coming days could change everything.

Scorpio | October 22 – November 20

As a cautious Scorpio, you’re wary of those who’re overenthusiastic about appealing but untried ideas. Yet now even you are excited about what’s coming your way. This time, you can set aside those doubts. While things will take weeks to fall into place, the feelings of optimism you’re having are well justified.

Sagittarius | November 21 – December 20

Planning ahead may be a virtue, but the wise Sagittarian will keep arrangements loose for now. This ensures you have the freedom to explore the amazing, if often unexpected, ideas, offers and events that climax when your ruler Jupiter superbly aspects Pluto, planet of truth and transformation, in a week’s time.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 19

For months you’ve been reviewing existing arrangements but have done little. Now events are encouraging you to take things further. Between this week’s solar eclipse, which accents your perspective, and the eclipsed Full Moon, on the 23rd, which ushers in changes in elements of your work or lifestyle, you’ll be turning those ideas into action.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 18

There’s been a great deal of talk about far-reaching changes, many of which are intriguing. Although these seem mere ideas, they’ll soon begin to influence your life. While that’s no problem, reorganising your existing arrangements might be. Explore where things could need to be rethought, if not substantially altered.

Pisces | February 19 – March 19

Exciting as ideas or offers that come from out of the blue may be, deciding how to deal with them can be seriously stressful. Respond swiftly, but so that, as you learn more, your plans can be changed and, possibly, changed again. Then plunge in, asking questions as you proceed.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 8th, 2016.


Bunny Rabbit | 8 years ago | Reply Hey ET I thought you didnt belive in this nonsense superstitions .
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