The Sindh High Court (SHC) directed on Monday the Rangers to arrange a meeting of Lyari gangster Uzair Baloch with his wife and lawyer and provide medical treatment to him. Headed by Justice Ahmed Ali M Sheikh, the division bench passed this direction while hearing a petition seeking permission for the family and lawyer of Uzair Baloch to meet him and also provide medical treatment to him. On January 30, Uzair Baloch alias Aziz Jan Baloch was arrested by Rangers personnel from the suburbs of Karachi. Soon after arrest, Uzair's wife, Samina Uzair, approached the high court to seek orders for his medical examination and permission for his family members to meet him.
The petitioner said that her husband was being held at Mitha Ram Hostel by Rangers under the 90-day preventive detention. She said the family had no contact with him for the last 13 months. Therefore, she pleaded to the court to order the Rangers to allow his family to meet him.
Published in The Express Tribune, March 1st, 2016.
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