A tribute to Salmaan Taseer
An early adopter of Twitter, Taseer mastered the 'perfect tweet' long before many of us even joined the microblogging website. We sifted through his entire Twitter timeline to find tweets that represented the best of him. By the end of it, we were only left wishing for one thing: one more tweet. Here are 66 tweets -- one for every year he graced us with his presence -- we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did finding them.
On blasphemy
I was under huge pressure sure 2 cow down b4 rightest pressure on blasphemy.Refused. Even if I'm the last man standing
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 31, 2010
Mera azm itna bulund hae Parae sholon se dar nahin. Mujhe dar hae tu atish e gul se hae Ye kahin chaman ko jala na dein significant?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) January 4, 2011
Religous right trying 2 pressurise from the street their support of blasphemy laws.Point is it must be decided in Parlaiment not on the road
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 26, 2010
Mullah back lash attacking my stance demanding my resignation.Rakhte Dil bandh lo Dil fagaro chalo.Phir hamen qatl ho ayen Yaro chalo
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 22, 2010
B4 my visit 2 Sheikapura jail ppl were afraid to talk of the black blasphemy laws now it's open season. The glass wall has been broken
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 26, 2010
Leaving for district jail Sheikhapura 2 see Aasia bibi wth mercy petition for Prezdnt Zardari. Hum ne gulshan ke tahfuz ki qasm khae hae
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 20, 2010
Said the White strip in our flag is 4 Minorities.Our religon commits us 2 their protection.She is a poor women who could not defend herself
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 20, 2010
On religious extremism
My advice 2 mullahs who r telling little madrassah boys that they have a ticket 2 heaven: Grab it urself or give it 2 ur son
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 6, 2010
My observation on minorities: A man/nation is judged by how they support those weaker than them not how they lean on those stronger
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 24, 2010
Every attack by terrorists on our Shrines of Saints will further our resolve to resist & send these killers 2 hell where they belong
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 25, 2010
Merry Xmas to all Christian brothers and sisters all over Pakistan. We respect ur patriotism & great role u have played building Pakistan
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 25, 2010
Why do Wahabi ahle Hadith & Deobandi mullah's never give fatwa against murderous Taliban? they +Sipha Sahaba r ardent supporters of Sharifs
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 29, 2010
Salmaan Taseer’s murder — the death of reason
Showing us how to not take ourselves too seriously
Reema Show is at 11 pm tonite Samaa TV I will be making my usual charming appearence wth wife. Roads will be deserted
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 17, 2010
I've changed my signature picture & expect the usual cheering & applause
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) September 29, 2010
Awam ke leye mein zehr bhi kha sakta hoon Just kidding RT @kasimkasuri: @SalmaanTaseer I hope it wasn't poisoned :) just kidding!
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 5, 2010
So Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame has been chosen 4 Time Magazine man of the Year. Hmm . Guess I'll have to wait till next year
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 19, 2010
I'm ok wth my effigy being burnt and Fatwas against me but i'm really angry that I'm not mentioned anywhere in Wikileaks!
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 30, 2010
Told press when I came out of the hospital "governors come and go but there's only one Abida Parveen" Sometimes I'm floored by my eloquence
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 30, 2010
Interviewing wth Najam Sethi CM Shabaz said Govnr "honest good person". Sethi "GovnorPunjab?" CM "no govnor SBP!" I was shattered
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 24, 2010
Sorry i discuss people RT @husainhaqqani Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events small minds discuss people Eleanor Roosevelt
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 29, 2010
I just phoned my daughter & was told she's busy in a meeting. Operator said Governor spkng same answer! What's world coming to?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 3, 2010
Some pearls of wisdom
Joining in ur friends misfortune is difficult enough but sharing in their good fortune is even more difficult. sad but true
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 6, 2010
It's my observation that wheather it's politics journalism or social issues the worst enemy of women are women
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 21, 2010
You can detain persons but u cannot arrest ideas which is why prisoners of conscience are always free
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 14, 2010
A thief stole my credit card a week ago but I didn't report it because I saw he was spending less money than my wife. true!
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 11, 2010
For the leaves to touch the sky the roots must reach deep into hell Thomas Mann Baat mein bara vazan hae
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 5, 2010
In the not to distant future I too plan to teach Economics & Politics having obtained a PhD from the University of Life
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 7, 2010
The Tv channels have started 2 run my tweets. That is going 2 restrict my comments which can be taken out of context. maza kilkila ho gaya
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 3, 2010
SC upholds death sentence for Salmaan Taseer’s killer
Some humorous, some astute political observations
Every time an elected Govt has been over thrown by a dictator the SC has given decision against elected Govt.
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 15, 2010
Media rumour sent judges into midnight panic attack frenzy. Perhaps they learn from PPP govt that faces Instigated rumours every hour!
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 15, 2010
The best thing we can do for our soft image this Xmas is to dress up Maulana Fazal ur Rahman as Santa Claus. He will be a big hit
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 24, 2010
Because ur not NATO dearRT @smitaprakash "If NATO can carry out mil actions in Pak from west what stops India doing same from east?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 12, 2010
Legally speaking isn't placing a bounty on the head of General Musharaf by Talal Bugti incitement 2 murder?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 11, 2010
What is the qualification 4 issueing a fatwa? A beard? Title Maulana? Owning a madrassa?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 19, 2010
The day the ageing King who wants 2 bomb Iran & uses his pocket money 2 finance madrassas starts praising u then I'd be worried
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) November 29, 2010
So Facebook the social networking site started by a 26 year old has been valued at $50bn Same as our foreign debt! Something 2 think about?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) January 3, 2011
Of Traditional 3 A's of political success-Allah Army America - it seems only Allah has been forgotten by Pakistani politicians
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 2, 2010
The NEW 3 A's of political success in the correct order of priority 1.America 2. Arabs 3.Army
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 2, 2010
One thing is clear from Wikileaks that elected persons wth peoples mandate don't run Pakistan. Makes elections pointless
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 2, 2010
The Sipha Sahaba in Pak & RSS in India are two sides of the same coin
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 31, 2010
His undying love for Marvi Memon
How exciting when are u going next? RT @marvi_memon: At photocopying shop :)
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 1, 2010
R u ok? Im worried RT @marvi_memon Not a riuch family at all-v humble abode-kaira was insistyin yest that they pik based on pocket!mon pied!
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 4, 2010
Send me a postcard from Srinagar RT @marvi_memon: Reachd Hatianbala
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 27, 2010
Keep going ur a brave lady RT @marvi_memon: 57km to chakothi and 187km to srinagar
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 27, 2010
Y dont u take up bridge ? It has a relaxing affect RT @marvi_memon: attended wedding lunch at jhalo of my team member
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 29, 2010
The Governor house is at the disposal of honoured visitor RT @marvi_memon: Landed lhr-wth no overnight sleep n rest-long work day ahead
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 31, 2010
Can i come? RT @marvi_memon: Who wants to join us 24hr Kashmir solidarity chain dharma/vigil/at LOC against Indian human right violations
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 22, 2010
Just dont push me over the LOC! RT @marvi_memon: @SalmaanTaseer U r cordially invited. U must make a dhoohandaar speech. My only demand.
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 22, 2010
Mein vuzoo kar ke us ka naam leta hun RT @Nadir_Hassan: @husainhaqqani As a team, can you join @SalmaanTaseer and gang up on @marvimemon?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 9, 2010
Can u reccomend a good multivitamin? RT@marvi_memon bak kchi middle of nite early morning.one hr sleep airport.landed isb.rushed to sssembly
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 8, 2010
Remembering Salmaan Taseer
On the Noon League
Shabaz Sharif threatens ANOTHER long march. If he can walk unaided from his new house in model town 2 Raiwind I'll resign as Governor!
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 16, 2010
Perhaps the best thing Nawaz Sharif ever did was declare Sunday the national holiday
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 28, 2010
Suppose we rename Jatti Umrah Raiwind as Jurraisic Park ?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 14, 2010
Suppose we send Chilean Miners Rescue Team to Raiwind to dig out and save the Sharifs ?
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 14, 2010
On India and Kashmir
India idea of foreign policy success is 2 buy arms from visiting dignitaries & get them 2 make statement linking terrorism with Pakistan
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 16, 2010
Because Premier Wen refuses 2 play India game they r complaining he has no charisma. Cameron has as much charisma as yesterdays paratha
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 16, 2010
Why does India make fools of themselves messing in space technology (GSLV)? Stick 2 bollywood my advice
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 26, 2010
50+ abusive tweets from India because I advised them 2 stick 2 gana bajana & stop blowing/ misfiring rockets & polluting space
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) December 26, 2010
We pray 4 the heroic brave ppl of Kashmir. Inshallah 2011 bring them azadi from the brutal occupation they have faced 4 so many long years
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) January 2, 2011
A team from Financial Times asked me solution 4 Kashmir. I said if mighty Soviets can admit defeat and exit Afghanstan y not India do same
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 17, 2010
I'm anti Indian hegamony & brutality of Kashmir occupation other wise I support friendship/ trade wth India Arundhati Roy/ Aishwaria Rai etc
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 28, 2010
Just because I commented on India arm purchase got barrage tweets calling Pak beggars. Have u seen beggars on Indian streets? Tragic
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 20, 2010
Peace loving India is buying $ 10 bn of arms from US where's Pak is getting $2 bn 4 free ! Whose the better negotiater
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 20, 2010
Ok maybe if there could be a aqleeti Twitter seat PTI could get into provincial assembly
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 24, 2010
Does this mean we will never be a welfare state! RT@ImranKhanPTI vows to make #Pakistan ‘welfare state if PTI comes 2 power
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) October 24, 2010
On Nihari
Have 2 join in any excuse 4 nihari & lahori nashta RT @sarataseer: Last Sunday in Pak. It must be enjoyed with Nihari.
— Salmaan Taseer (@SalmaanTaseer) January 2, 2011
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