Tarnol police arrested Akbar Khan and Quresh Bibi for drug peddling, recovering over three and two kilograms of hashish respectively. Nilore police arrested an alleged bootlegger Mushtaq Hussain and recovered 20 wine bottles from his possession.
Meanwhile, acting on a tip off, Sihala police conducted a raid on a quail fight in Rawat and arrested the people betting on it. Police arrested the proclaimed offenders which included Pervez, Hafeez, Jameel, Iftikhar Ahmed along with others and confiscated Rs27,000 worth of stake money.
Similarly, Bhara Kahu police also arrested eight gamblers during a raid in Mangu Town and recovered Rs8,200, six mobile phones and one wristwatch from their possession. The alleged gamblers were identified as Syed Sabtain, along with Asif Nawaz, Yasir Shah, Sajid Shah, Amad Satti, Syed Ali Raza, Syed Hassan Ali and Mubarak Shah.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 10th, 2011.
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