Horoscope: December 19, 2015

Your stars today!

Shelley Von Strunckel December 19, 2015

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 19

There’s no way around the clashes being triggered by adverse aspects to Uranus, which is positioned in Aries. Once you’ve said what needs saying and things are calmer, explore potential solutions for the issues in question. You could come up with something that would work now, and in the future.

Taurus | April 20 – May 20

Being ruled by the diplomatic Venus, you’ll often sidestep potentially upsetting issues. Mostly, your intention is to deal with them when the mood’s better. However, certain of these matters are urgent. Knowing that, raise them, explaining why you’re doing so during this stressful period and what your intentions are.

Gemini | May 21 – June 20

The last thing you want is to discover somebody you’ve trusted has been dishonest. But events suggest that may be the case. Obviously, you’re unsure what to do. The answer is ask what’s up. If it’s a genuine error, they’ll happily discuss it. If not, that suggests your concerns are merited.

Cancer | June 21 – July 22

Having your plans organised well in advance may be a relief. However, judging by the influence of the Cancer Full Moon on the 25th, a combination of events and your own shifting feelings could lead to changes, some dramatic. Knowing that, ensure whatever you organise now can be easily rethought.

Leo | July 23 – August 22

There’s no use arguing with somebody who’s sure they’re right. The problem is, you’re also convinced you know what’s what. That being the case, approach the situation in question ready to compromise, and suggest that others do the same. After a little discussion, you’ll soon meet in the middle.

Virgo | August 23 – September 22

After the past week or so, during which both the circumstances you’ve been dealing with and the priorities of others have changed on a regular basis, you’re both exhausted and exasperated. While you can’t alter the current unsettled situations, you can adopt a more easygoing attitude towards those changes.

Libra | September 23 – October 22

Few things upset a Libra more than witnessing somebody they care about struggle or, worse, suffer. Yet the issues they’re facing are, in part, of their own making. Knowing that, think carefully about what you say. Otherwise you could find yourself giving them a hand with these dilemmas.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

You could distract others from activities that will lead to changes in your own life. But it’s unfair to them. Actually, you’d be depriving yourself of developments that might seem disruptive when they arise, but aren’t just a good idea, they’re badly needed. But you won’t know this until they’ve taken place.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21

For most of your life, you’ve been urged by others to plan ahead. From your perspective, you do. It’s just not enough for certain individuals. Now you understand. Events are preventing you making arrangements that last and you’re experiencing the frustration that comes with having little idea what’s going on.

Capricorn | December 22 – January 19

If ever there was a time to be frank, it’s now. True, this could mean that your words upset others. While that may happen, it’s worth noting that certain individuals are expert at appearing to be anxious about such revelations when, in fact, they’re deftly ensuring nobody will question their actions.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

Few things upset you more than watching others pretend to be friends but try to undermine each other behind the scenes. This is their business, not yours. Still, if you feel you must speak up, do so knowing you could become a target for the unspoken but vicious battles they’re fighting out.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Discussion is important, and can be vital when emotional issues are involved. However, this is one of those moments when practical decisions need to be made, and swiftly. Forget about talking things over and do what you think best. Not only it is unlikely anybody will mind, they’ll be grateful you took the initiative.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 19th, 2015.


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