Horoscope: December 18, 2015

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel December 18, 2015

Aries | March 20 – April 19

While you’d have every right to tell others how bad you think their ideas are and why, you’d only upset them. The real issue might be the frustrating difficulties you’re currently facing. It’s not so much the actual situation that’s the problem but that you’ve been unable to devise a solution.

Taurus | April 20 – May 20

You’re about to stumble over some interesting ideas or have an intriguing encounter. Initially, you’ll assume things will go no further. That may be true then. But within a short time you’ll realise this is has greater potential than you imagined. It could, in fact, be very exciting indeed.

Gemini | May 21 – June 20

This is one of those strange periods when even seemingly straightforward arrangements won’t last long. Worrying as that sounds, while some changes may be the result of events or the ideas of others, it’s just as likely you’ll come up with something that would mean you’ll need to rearrange everything.

Cancer | June 21 – July 22

Constant changes in plans aren’t just exhausting, they’re forcing you to completely reorganise arrangements to which you’ve given considerable thought. Worrying as this is, what you learn could be unexpectedly informative. So much so, that once the dust has settled, you’ll be glad you had to make those changes.

Leo | July 23 – August 22

You’ve always believed it’s impossible to have too much of a good thing. But with your ruler the Sun in the part of your chart that accents love and life’s pleasures, you’ve been overwhelmed. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into practical Capricorn, the pace slows, and you’ll get a break.

Virgo | August 23 – September 22

Judging by aspects involving your ruler Mercury, Pluto and unruly Uranus over the next few days, even simple discussions could become somewhat contentious. Knowing that, make a conscious decision whether you’re willing to be drawn into these or want to opt out. If it’s the latter, offer no explanations.

Libra | September 23 – October 22

For longer than you can remember, you’ve avoided even mentioning certain matters, knowing one particular individual simply wouldn’t discuss them. Now the events are forcing these out in the open, those unspoken rules no longer apply. While you may still be disinclined to bring them up, nothing is keeping you from doing so.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

When you kept certain facts to yourself, it was mostly because you feared they’d distract others and devour time better devoted to more important matters. However, you were also relieved you wouldn’t have to discuss them in front of others. Judging by the coming days’ events, that could change.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21

Somebody seems determined to extract certain information from you, facts you’d rather not discuss. While others might not regard them as important or, indeed, private, you feel they’re your business and yours alone. Once that was true. But now things have changed, and you’ve no choice but to talk about these openly.

Capricorn | December 22 – January 19

The line between being discreet and just plain secretive isn’t always a clear one, especially at the moment. However, with the communication planet Mercury actually meeting Pluto, which accents exactly such matters, in Capricorn, events will give you good reason to think about what should, and shouldn’t, be said.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

If you’re feeling restless, it’s no surprise. The current planetary setup emphasises change, in circumstances as well as in your thinking. Still, while you’re aware these developments are in your best interests, you won’t necessarily welcome them, at least at the moment. Soon, however, you’ll recognise them for what they are.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Disruptive as last minute changes may be, they’re no surprise. You’ve been aware certain arrangements weren’t going as anticipated. That being the case, this could encourage for a timely fresh start. Encourage others to think in those terms, and you’ll soon be replacing what doesn’t work with a plan that will.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 18th,  2015.


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