I don’t believe a word of Afridi's interview. Fox is lying until it provides proof that it did.
NGO directs all its expatriate staff to leave the country by September 13.
How did the right wing US TV organisation land an interview with someone incarcerated in Peshawar?
Essentially, Afridi did it for the money. For that, some punishment is in order.
Alleges that he was coerced into making false statements before judge.
Stress access to imprisoned doctor is impossible without knowledge of high authorities.
Rohrabacher says imprisonment signals that Pakistan is partner of terrorists murdering Americans and not a US ally.
Speaking to Fox News from Peshawar Jail, Afridi alleges ISI duplicity, torture, but says he was proud to work for CIA.
Save the Children welcomes announcement by the interior minister.
Now, every foreigner working in Pakistan will be viewed suspiciously and will find it even harder to work here.