In the first stage, therapists will only reach out to parents, they will initiate therapy in second phase for children
Clergy says Christmas will be muted this year.
Leaders of all political parties to unite against terrorism under one platform.
Officials say no black warrant has yet been issued for any of the convicts.
JI Karachi spokesperson says in relation to the protest demonstrations held in front of Idara-e-Noor-e-Haq.
Counterterrorism needs a single, dedicated and effective single command and control mechanism
Mostly, things are as they were before the Peshawar massacre, there is little sign of that changing in the coming year
The army chief also said it is the right time to take 'bold' decisions
Amir says he wants to start doing more work in Pakistan to tap the immense talent in the country
Recalling Pakistanis reaching out to them after Pearl's murder, parents felt strong obligation to repay the kindness