Pervasion of child marriage 

Letter March 07, 2025
Pervasion of child marriage 

Despite laws prohibiting child marriage in Pakistan, the culture of marrying off young girls either for money or honour still exists at a massive scale. Child marriage is largely prevalent in the rural areas of the country where education is minimal, specially for girls, and families are riddled with poverty. 
This archaic practice is a gross violation of their human rights and has devastating consequences upon their health, education and quality of life. Child brides are more likely to drop out of school, experience domestic violence and suffer from serious health complications during pregnancy and childbirth. They are silent victims to crimes of sexual assault and rape at the hands of their ‘husbands’ – who are not legally recognised. 
To eradicate child marriage, it is important to reach the root of the problem and address issues such as poverty, lack of education and gender inequality. The government must also take immediate action to enforce the already existing laws about child marriage and raise awareness so that girls are able to envision bright and successful futures for themselves. 
Zainab Niaz Ahmed