A groundbreaking study has been conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in detecting breast cancer. The study, which analysed mammographies of over 116,000 women, demonstrated the effectiveness of AI in identifying women at high risk of developing breast cancer. The AI algorithm was able to predict which women were at higher risk, even identifying the specific breast at risk, four to six years prior to diagnosis.
This breakthrough has significant implications for breast cancer detection and treatment. As noted by Solveig Hofvind, head of the detection programme and AI project, AI can be used to develop more personalised detection programmes, reducing costs and better targeting at-risk populations.
With breast cancer claiming the lives of 670,000 women worldwide in 2022, this study’s findings are a beacon of hope. Healthcare professionals and policymakers must take note of this research and explore ways to integrate AI into breast cancer detection and treatment protocols.
Amjid Naseeb