Ziauddin, a young law student at Islamia College Peshawar, tragically ended his life, leaving behind a note that revealed the depth of his struggles. “I am fed up with the world … I don’t know why but I cannot live in this society,” he wrote in his suicide note, unable to express the pain he was silently enduring. His words are a cry for help that went unheard, reflecting the plight of countless others in our society.
Mental health struggles are hard-fought battles, often invisible but deeply painful. In Pakistan, over 45 million people suffer from mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, with many losing their lives to similar steps. Zia’s tragic decision is a reminder that behind every smile, there might be a silent storm.
As a society, we must learn to listen with care and empathy. Those suffering do not need judgment — they need us to hear them, to seek them out, and to stand by their side. Schools, families and communities must work together to create safe spaces where individuals can share their pain without fear.
Mental health awareness is not just important; it is lifesaving. Zia’s loss is a painful reminder that ignoring mental health issues can cost lives. Let us honour his memory by breaking the silence, supporting those in need and ensuring no one feels alone in their fight. Together, we can make a difference.
Moin Ahmed Awan