The success showcase

Letter January 03, 2025
The success showcase

In contemporary society, parents are expected to demonstrate their success through their children. The belief that glamorous life serves as markers of achievement and empowerment for children is widespread. Many parents assume that possession of lavish gifts will not only reward their children for academic accomplishments but also inspire them to strive for further success. However, this perspective often leads to unforeseen consequences that can jeopardise their children’s futures. 
Instead of nurturing independence and resilience, this mindset can lead children toward a path of recklessness, where the allure of new possessions overshadows the fundamental importance of education, personal growth and character development. The responsibility to guide children toward a balanced and meaningful life ultimately rests with parents. It is crucial to recognise that equipping children with excessive privileges does not equate to empowerment.
In addition, parents should focus on instilling values that promote critical thinking where they can flourish through education, discipline and a comprehensive understanding of the real-world challenges. The pressure on parents to showcase their success through their children is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and a shift in mindset. By prioritising their children’s well-being over societal pressures, parents can contribute to the development of a generation that values meaningful achievements and the importance of making wise choices.
Shafi Ahmed Khowaja 