It is true that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the world with its sophisticated, high-tech features. However, owing to its ability to generate content of any kind automatically, it is fast killing creativity in humans. AI-driven applications such as ChatGPT and DeepMind have significantly impacted humans’ imagination power. From making videos and composing music to writing a story, all the tasks that once required human imagination power are easily generated by AI now. This has limited mankind – and quite worryingly so – to use its imagination power and bring forth new content.
Since AI has been providing templates for creative tasks, people do not bother to harness their intellectual capabilities. Resultantly, a majority of them have lost interest in creating original content. Nevertheless, there is a school of thought which believes that AI is a catalyst for creativity and not a killer. The segment of people substantiates its arguments by asserting that AI has fostered innovation in the market by increasing competition via setting a high standard of content. However looking at it from a commoners viewpoint, AI has indeed murdered creativity. This is at least true for now!
Manoj Kumar Kesrani