Tharparkar: sanctuary for biodiversity

Letter October 16, 2024
Tharparkar: sanctuary for biodiversity

Each year, the migration of birds reminds us of the incredible journeys they undertake, crossing continents and enduring diverse climates. Pakistan, situated along key migratory routes like the Central Asian Flyway, is uniquely positioned to host and protect these seasonal visitors.
Tharparkar, a vital part of this flyway, serves as a crucial stopover for numerous migratory species traveling from Siberia, Central Asia, and beyond. Its wetlands, particularly in the southern region, provide essential habitats for these birds. During the migratory season, Tharparkar becomes home to 56 winter visitors, 4 summer visitors and 8 passage migrants, alongside its resident bird population. The region also hosts various endangered and near-extinction migratory birds in different seasons due to its wetlands.
A groundbreaking study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), titled Ecological Baseline Survey Report on Tharparkar, recorded 187 bird species in the region, with 63% being resident species and 30% migratory birds arriving during the winter months.
The company operating in Thar Block II has taken proactive steps to protect the region’s biodiversity. The creation of wetlands has not only enhanced the local ecosystem but also attracted more migratory birds to the area. 
Efforts to protect and enhance Tharparkar’s biodiversity, particularly through creating safe havens for migratory birds, reflect a growing commitment to environmental stewardship in the region. As these initiatives continue to expand, Tharparkar stands as a shining example of how human development and nature can coexist harmoniously. By safeguarding these migratory birds and their habitats, we honour our ecological responsibility and contribute to the preservation of global biodiversity for future generations.
Usama Ghulam Rasool