Eco-friendly choices

Letter September 21, 2024
Eco-friendly choices


As residents of a city, we have a responsibility to address the pressing issue of waste management. For instance, a local restaurant recently implemented a food waste reduction programme, resulting in a 20% decrease in discarded food. Similarly, we can make a difference by reducing food waste, using reusable bags and containers and turning off lights and electronics when not in use.
Waste reduction and sustainability are critical components of a healthy environment. Consider the impact of single-use plastic bags: if each household in our city uses just 5 plastic bags per day, that’s over 1 million bags per year. By adopting mindful practices, such as composting food waste, using public transport and upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, we can mitigate these issues and create a more sustainable future.
Take the example of person, who switched to reusable water bottles and coffee cups, reducing her daily waste to near zero. Similarly, we can make eco-friendly choices: buy in bulk to reduce packaging, support local sustainable businesses and use energy-efficient light bulbs.
Comparatively, the energy consumption of a typical household in our city can be significantly reduced by adopting sustainable practices. By planning meals to reduce food waste, using public transport, recycling and conserving energy, we can make a substantial impact.
To ensure a sustainable future, consider the success of community-led initiatives. For example, the local ‘Clean Streets’ programme can help reduce the rising rate of waste. This demonstrates the power of collective action. 
Mohammed Saleem