Lahore’s pollution

Letter September 20, 2024
Lahore’s pollution


The growing traffic and pollution problems in Lahore are becoming an overwhelming issue for the city's residents. With rapid urbanisation, the once green streets have turned into heavily polluted areas. Daily commute, which used to take a few minutes, now takes hours, and this has a cascading effect on the well-being of the people living in Lahore.
The worsening traffic situation causes delays and also leads to an increase in road accidents. Moreover, the air quality in Lahore has been deteriorating at an alarming rate. In some areas, smog during the winter months is so severe that it poses health risks, especially to the elderly and children. Respiratory problems, headaches and eye irritation have become common complaints among residents.
Lahore’s infrastructure development has not kept pace with the city's growing population. Stricter regulations on vehicle emissions and better urban planning are desperately needed to mitigate the situation. Authorities must take immediate action to ease traffic congestion and combat air pollution. It is high time for the city’s leadership to prioritise the health and safety of its citizens by addressing these issues. Cleaner air and safer roads are basic rights that every resident of Lahore deserves.
Ali Raza