Mental health awareness

Letter September 20, 2024
Mental health awareness


Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. It helps individuals manage life's stresses, and understand their strengths in order to engage productively in society. Good mental health is a basic human right, and its significance extends to the broader community, influencing social and economic development.
Mental health challenges stem from various factors at different levels. On a personal level, local stressors like family issues, unemployment or economic hardships can have a profound impact. On a larger scale, global threats such as pandemics, natural disasters or forced migration can affect entire populations, increasing mental health risks. The ongoing climate crisis, with its unpredictable effects on livelihoods, is also a growing concern. Addressing mental health issues requires more than just health sector intervention. For real progress, sectors like education, labor, justice, transport, environment, housing, and welfare must collaborate to create supportive environments. Schools can play a crucial role in promoting mental health by teaching resilience and stress management from a young age. Employment sectors must ensure that work environments support mental well-being. Housing projects should also consider creating safe, supportive spaces that foster mental health.
WHO stresses the importance of protecting human rights and empowering those with lived experience of mental health challenges. By working together across multiple sectors, we can hope to bring about lasting improvements in mental health care.
Saba Anwar