Rudderless ship

Letter September 12, 2024
Rudderless ship


Pakistan is forced to confront the uncomfortable truth that our path towards development is fundamentally flawed. In our relentless quest for global recognition, we've overlooked the pressing challenges unique to our nation. The bitter reality is that Pakistan's development strategy is failing its people.
Our obsession with international prestige has diverted attention from the essential needs of our citizens. The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is a case in point. While PCB invests in state-of-the-art stadiums and forges international partnerships, it neglects grassroots cricket, where the true potential of our young talent lies. Similarly, the state of our higher education is equally alarming. Pakistani universities are pouring resources into building impressive campuses, yet they fall short in research and faculty development. As a result, graduates leave with diplomas but lack the skills necessary to thrive in the global job market. Pakistan’s development journey resembles a rudderless ship, adrift and lost at sea. Our leaders prioritise international relations over domestic welfare, engaging in diplomatic visits while neglecting critical issues. History teaches us that developed nations first focused on their internal development before seeking global prominence.
To steer Pakistan toward true progress, we must focus on our strengths and address our weaknesses. This requires a complete overhaul of our education system to equip our people with globally relevant skills, economic empowerment through entrepreneurship and industrial growth, and the development of quality healthcare and infrastructure to bridge the urban-rural divide. The future of Pakistan hinges on our ability to correct course.
M Saleem