A step towards peace

Letter September 12, 2024
A step towards peace


The ongoing unrest in Balochistan has finally caught the attention of political leaders, who are now focusing on finding political and humanitarian solutions. Opposition leaders, along with government officials, reached out to Akhtar Mengal, leader of the Balochistan National Party, to convince him to withdraw his resignation from the National Assembly. His decision to leave parliament brought attention to the worsening situation in the province and the long-standing issues of political exclusion faced by the Baloch people.
It is a positive sign that political leaders are not oversimplifying the problems in Balochistan. They have acknowledged that the state’s policies have denied the Baloch people their right to self-representation and self-governance. There are discussions about holding a special parliamentary session to give the people of Balochistan a platform to express their concerns. This could help ease the growing tension and mistrust between the state and the Baloch people.
The situation in Balochistan demands urgent attention, but any actions must be thoughtful and careful. The state needs to abandon the policies that have caused frustration among the Baloch people and make room for them in the political system. The growing anger and disillusionment among the Baloch youth are dangerous, and Pakistan cannot afford to have a portion of its population left behind. Real progress can only happen when every citizen has the chance to contribute and grow. The time for the state to act is now, before further damage is done.
Talal Rafiq Rind