Balfour declaration legacy

Letter September 11, 2024
Balfour declaration legacy


The ongoing violence in Gaza is a tragic reminder of the unresolved injustice that has plagued Palestine since the British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917. This declaration, which facilitated the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, set the stage for a century of conflict, displacement and suffering for the Palestinian people.
The Balfour Declaration not only ignored the rights of the indigenous Palestinian population but also paved the way for the systematic usurpation of their land. The partition of Palestine by the UN in 1947, in which 52% of the territory was allocated to the Jewish population, further deepened the divide. Today, the situation in Gaza is dire. Israel’s ongoing siege and bombardment of the Gaza Strip have resulted in the deaths of over 40,000 Palestinians, with countless others left homeless and deprived of basic necessities. The world watches in silence as Israel continues its brutal campaign, which can only be described as genocide.
The international community, including Arab nations and Western powers, must no longer remain passive observers. Immediate action is needed to stop the bloodshed and address the root causes of this conflict. The Palestinians deserve their rightful place in their homeland, free from occupation and violence.
Nasrullah Khadim